Remember how the main character Jenna in the movie, Waitress dreams up of all these pies and makes them the next day at Joe's Pies?
That's me--well, minus the pie making...and working at Joe's Pies.
I loved that movie and just like Jenna, I find myself constantly dreaming up recipes or meals to make.
Today, I experimented with spaghetti squash for the first time. The directions online for how to cook the squash sounded pretty simple. The flavoring and garnishes seemed simple too.
Just like that, I created this meal within about 15 minutes.
"Spaghetti" with spinach, a sprinkle of sea salt and drizzle of sesame oil. A tiny bit of dried cranberries on the side and one chopped avocado. I wanted to see if putting cranberries in there would taste good but after trying the combination, I must admit I can probably do without.
creed adopted for liturgies in 325 crossword
4 months ago
Ooh. What about adding some roasted butternut squash or sweet potato?